Welcome to the South Beach | Rincon | Mission Bay Neighborhood Association website!
About Us
- Fact Sheet
- Board of Directors, Officers, and Committee Members Bios
- NA Boundary Map
- NA Outreach, Community Participation and Neighborhood Issues Resolution
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Bylaws
- Want to join the Neighborhood Association Google Group to keep up to date on neighborhood doings and monthly meeting agendas? To send your request, please email to SBRMBNA@gmail.com …no dues or fees required!
- Have a question, or want to alert us to something happening in the ‘hood? Please email SBRMBNA@gmail.com and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.
Join Us – Membership Form and Dues!
Monthly meetings on the second Monday from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. If you’d like to join our Google Group to receive meeting alerts/agendas please email to SBRMBNA@gmail.com.
Next Meeting: Monday April 14th at 6pm. Topic: TBD.
Our meetings are hybrid: Virtually (Zoom) and In-Person at Cloudflare, 101 Townsend Street near 2nd Street. Please RSVP in advance to SBRMBNA@gmail.com to attend in person or to request the Zoom link.